Friday, December 4, 2009

Assignment 4

Twitter Power:Tweets as Electronic Word of Mouth

Positive and negative word of mouth is an effective way of marketing for companies and individuals to influence and engage potential clients. It is dependent on trust and social networking. People are generally more inclined to listen and be targeted subconsciously by family and friends within their social network. This could be for an exhibition they have visited and found interesting or even a new product on the market. Word of mouth communication happens a lot in or society whether it is to introduce something which makes life easier or more exciting, it doesn’t matter

Recent research indicates that people are likely to trust resources outside of their comfort zone, in the form of online reviews and blogs. This is known as electronic word of mouth or online word of mouth. People read these blogs and reviews online and trust the reviewer’s opinions and comments. People assume the reviewer has more knowledge then they do, for example product reviewers have insight into these products, as they own them already. In comparison would you listen to a random stranger on the street talking about a product he has had that was good/poor? Probably not. Would you listen to a salesman? Yes but you are inclined to think he is just trying to make a sale and is brainwashing you, in a way. Whereas a reviewer has nothing to gain or loose from the situation, they are just pointing out pros and cons.

Miroblogging is a new type of electronic word of mouth, which involves social networking sites such as twitter and facebook. Microblogs are only about the length of a newspaper heading plus its subheading. Short and snappy lines draw attention as people are more inclined to read them over a bulky text. Microblogs contain exciting snippets of information that expresses attitudes and opinions. This is a modern form of word of mouth.

Companies are so concerned about this type of electronic word of mouth as it can affect the branding of their company in a good light or a bad. Research has indicated, “Over 19% of microblogs have some form of a brand”, only half of this 19% gave the company a positive outcome.

Microblogging could have influenced the way we as consumers feel about branding. We all have brands we recognise and trust. word of mouth communication is involved and to blame for this kind of brand dis-satisfaction/satisfaction. This diagram is taken from the journal and explains why branding is so important. firstly people have a brand attachment and awareness which by word of mouth then becomes brand trust. This is because you hear people in and out of your social network drawing you to this brand. Over time you learn that they are trust worthy which then is in turn passed onto someone else which creates a future purchase of these products or service.

Word of mouth marketing

Primary word of mouth marketing begins with a marketer who puts an idea into the public domain. This is 'business-consumer-consumer' marketing. The consumer then hears what this business is about/producing and passes it onto a friend or fellow blogger.

This form of word of mouth marketing is relatively new. Word of mouth marketing is a natural progression of speech between people, what is new is how marketing have used this connection for promoting their business/ products. It is a new way of getting your views heard in a subtle way. This form of marketing has occurred from 'anecdotal to actionable', something that has occurred recently to something you can change. Word of mouth marketing has become popular as we have the opportunities to use it, in social networking and blogs. With this comes customer service. If a customer is happy with the experience you gave them they might advertise your business to friends or write a review about you.

People spread word about new exciting, interesting products that attract the eye. Boring things don't draw enough attention you have to be up to date on your competition and technology. Good customer service leaves happy customers who in turn might recommend you to a friend who will then pass the information onto the next person, almost like a huge game of Chinese whispers! This word of mouth progression doesn't happen overnight, you need to start the trend by providing good service and produce to your customers.

"The five T's of word of mouth marketing", Talkers, topics, tools, taking part and tracking. These are the basic factors needed for a business to spread through word of mouth. You need someone to start the link of by spreading this information, this can be done by having a microblog which is very precise and to the point. Topics are impoartain also as they have to involve a certain age range? and also the kind of person to be browsing the internet, you need a target market. The author Andy Sernovitz has studied a vast amount of word of mouth successes and every success leads to these five T's.

Opinions on both texts.

Through reading both my journal and my book I learned a lot about word of mouth progression and how it affects branding and marketing. I found that Bernard Jansen’s journal was very factual containing relevant resources backing up the ideas he was trying to put on the table. I found it really easy to read as it is clearly laid out into relevant sections. I think his research is very interesting because he is explaining how electronic resources influence businesses through electronic word of mouth. Although a lot of the information in my journal was irrelevant I found it was a very good source as it contained mention of word of mouth that has been taken from "the law of the few" in "the tipping point". I found it interesting seeing how much of branding is connected to this progression and how influential and crucial it is for business and marketing. It was shocking to me how 19% of blogs contain a mention of branding, branding which makes or breaks a company or business. If there is negative comments about your products or your opinions that isn't good in the business world. Microblogging is interesting as it is actually more effective than a full text of information. It is short and to the point and draws attention. I found this interesting as people are less inclined to read pages and pages of complicated articles when they prefer to read a short and to the point snippet.

Through reading word of mouth marketing by Andy Sernovitz i found it was more of a self help book than a heap of irrelevant information. I found it odd at first as he was almost directing me into how i need to achieve success in my future career. the five T's of marketing for example almost tells you how to become noticed. you need to have these skills and be able to achieve certain thing to get people talking about you and that is what he is trying to achieve. I find the book good as it relates well to the tipping point and also interior design/ design in general.

I find that both texts are easy to relate to and contain a lot of factual and opinion based evidence and resources to back up their points. As i couldn't find a book during this process as someone had mysteriously taken out all the books i had wanted to use! i stumbled across this book and i feel like it really worked well in explaining how word of mouth works and how to get noticed. Both books explain how everyone is a connector, a maven and a salesman In how people pass on information to friends and also people outside of their network range over facebook, blogs or twitter.


Duana,w.,Gub,B & Whinston, A,B (2008).' Do online reviews matter?'

Jansen,J, Bernard, 'Twitter power: tweets as electronic word of mouth', Journal of american society for information and science and technology, volume 60 issue 11 pages 2169-2188, 2009.

Sernovitz, Andy, ' Word of mouth marketing: how companies get people talking', Chicago : Kaplan Pub. , c2006.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

National Gallery Of Scotland, Edinburgh
Higher design unit

Just thought id show off my higher design piece which i deigned myself and made from scratch by hand. The mask is a theatrical costume piece which is half animal and half nature. This link between the natural world and climate change made me think about what we are doing to the animals we live with on the planet. This was the main inspiration behind my piece as i designed the animal to be dead (skull) with this beautifully coloured horn (symbolising life goes on...) and the nature side is almost like a contrast between life and death.

I think this achievement of being selected out of thousands of students across Scotand made me really want to continue my success at Duncan Of Jordanstone.

What a small world...

Recently while my dad was doing some family research in Perth he met a long lost relative! Just like in a film he was minding his own business sitting at a table researching my great great grandad, Peter Myles, in Perth library.
He was the only person in the library researching at the time when a man and a woman walked in and sat at the same table as him. My dad continued to study birth certificates, death certificates and records. He heard the woman speak to the man about a Myles and he sort of didn't click it at first but as he overheard her speaking to the archivist he realised that they were researching the same person! He introduced himself and found out that they were distant relations. To top it all of they were both from Massachusetts on a holiday in the area. My dad couldn't believe it as not only were they both researching the same person, but they came all the way from America!
This just shows how small the world is and how close everyone is. You don't realise it but the person sitting/standing next to you could be a long lost relation...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Assignment 3: Secondary Research Skills...

Clark, RA (2005), 'Market mavens: Psychological influences' (article), PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING

Market mavens are consumers who are highly involved in the marketplace and represent an important source of marketplace information to other consumers. This explains how mavens are importaint in the retailing of products and the advertising.

Jansen, BJ (2009), 'Twitter Power: Tweets as Electronic Word of Mouth' (article), JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 60 (11)

Shows how social networking and in particular twitter is important in selling yourself and spreading the word, good or bad. shows facts such as 19% of micro blogs contain a mention of branding/advertising. Word of mouth is spread by people writing thoughts and feelings and advertising products and sending them to potential admirers. Spreading the word of good design/ bad design!

Karmarama (2003), 'Karmarama's T-shirt hits Charles Saatchi's trendy artcredentials', (Article), Campaign (UK) 10/24/2003, Issue 43, p32-32

This article explains how graffiti is the thing of the moment. Explains how banksy is an anonymous character who is considered a vandal by some but a genius by others. A man wore a t-shirt claiming he was banksy ("arrest me I'm banksy") this created unwelcome attention and false advertisement. It also shows how this man is a connector as he is passing on information for his benefit? either that or he just liked the t-shirt!


This relates to the effectiveness of advertisment and how you portray yourself. selling yourself in the wrong light?/ right light? also relates to the mood advertising convays.

Rosenberg, Scott, (2009) 'How blogging began, what its becoming, and why its important' (Text), New York : Crown , c2009..

How blogs are influencing design, social aspects and self expression. Why we use blogs and why they are very important for new designers and artists. Discusses privacy of blogs and plagiarism.

Vaudrey, Charlotte (2005) 'Wake up call', (Journal) Design and applied arts (CSA)

This journal explains how graffiti artists are hip, cool and modern designers. Reviews the controversial view 'is graffiti art? or crime? Charlotte's view is that they are the future and explains how graffiti artists were commissioned to take on an interior design project by designing rooms in
a hotel.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tipping Point - Mind Maps

I decided to focus on 'the law of the few' as i found it relevent and intresting... I found that mind mapping is quite fun and also very good for obtaining new information.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Designs to kill.

I have decided to think outside the box and write about a topic which is very much in the media spotlight at the moment, animal cruelty, but in particular snaring.

As my dad has a passion for wildlife i have grown up being introduced to nature and wildlife, in particular birds of prey and badgers. Throughout the many adventures through woodlands and mountain tops i have seen breath taking sights of golden eagles, peregrine falcons, hen harriers, foxes, badgers and red squirrels.
While out in woodland around Carnoustie (Angus) while walking my border terrier with my dad we spotted a fox, it was exciting to see this creature so close. After closer inspection on this fox we realised it wasn't as happy a sight as we first anticipated. Binoculars at the ready my dad examined it realising it was badly injured with scratches all over its face and deep wounds on its neck. We stopped frozen for a couple of minutes wondering what we could do to help it. It was getting dark so we headed back to the car quickly and immediately phoned for help. It turned out that the animal actually had escaped a near by snare and was badly injured as an outcome of this. I'm not too sure what the outcome was but that image will stay with me. It disgusts me why these torture devices aren't banned.
After further research i discovered that they are not only dangerous for foxes and rabbits... but for much larger creatures like badgers and even domestic pets like dogs and cats.

About snaring

this female badger was almost cut in half by a snare. Her cub died of starvation, while waiting to be fed.


'Snares are thin wire nooses that are set to trap any animal perceived to be a pest or threat. The primitive design of a snare silently garrotts its victims and often leads to a painful and lingering death. Commonly used by gamekeepers to catch foxes and stoats, many mammals including rabbits, voles, protected badgers and even domestic pets are caught, seriously injured and killed in snares.'

A pet dog has been killed by a snare
. The six year old cocker spaniel, suffered immeasurably before he was found with a wire snare embedded into his neck. 'Harvey’s owner John Buchan, a retired consultant solicitor from Gask, near Crieff, described how he found his beloved pet dog with his tongue out the side of his mouth where he had bitten it off.' This shocked me as the animal must have been in so much physical and mental stress and pain that it used as much force to bite its own tongue off. It had been hanged yet these 'pest control devices' are legal.

Design of a snare

are normally classed as either a self locking snare which are illegal or a free running snare which are legal. Many free running snares can easily become self locking snares as shown below.

Dual purpose snare- set as self locking, Illegal

Dual purpose snare -
set as free running, Legal

Free running snare -

1. A self-locking snare is a wire loop device which continues to tighten by a ratchet action as the animal struggles. Its aim is to catch the victim around the neck, so that they die through strangulation or by dislocation of the neck. Is isn't always the case as numerous animals get their legs caught which results in the breaking down of the bone as the noose is forced tighter, this may result in the animal gnawing of its own limbs to escape.

2. A free-running snare is a wire loop restraining device which relaxes when the animal stops pulling and a self-locking snare is a wire loop device which continues to tighten by a ratchet action as the animal struggles.

Recent Protests

'Advocates for animals protest' in 2008 outside the Scottish government in Edinburgh and Princes street. This is a very powerful message as animals don't have voices to speak out. They put people in these snares to create impact and to make people understand what is going on. Personally i didn't see this 'exhibition protest' but i think it really shows the message well and gets through to people... I hope all snaring is soon banned as its barbaric and cruel.
(recommend you turn your volume down a little for the video!)